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We’re the world’s largest building society. Run for the benefit of our members. Being a building society means that we’re free to reinvest our profits to improve the products and services we offer.
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Fixed Rate Bonds
Lock away your money for a potentially higher return
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Rafidain Bank Fixed Rate Bonds are a one off lump sum account that pay a fixed rate of interest for the term of the account - if you can lock away a lump sum for a fixed length of time then fixed term accounts can potentially reward you with a higher savings rate.
Fixed for 3 years. Other fixed terms and rates are available. Partial withdrawals from your account before the end of the fixed term are not allowed. Early closure will incur a loss of interest
You can choose to have your interest paid either monthly or annually
You can open your account at any Rafidain Bank branch for as little as £1
Lock away a lump sum for a fixed length of time and you could be rewarded with a higher savings rate. Choose from our range of fixed rate terms to suit your needs
You can open several Fixed Rate Bonds as long as your combined savings bonds balance doesn't exceed £5,000,000
You can have up to 2 account holders, each of which must be at least 7 years old
Ready to open a Fixed Rate Bond?
Protecting your money
ISAs are a tax-efficient way to save. Visit our ISAs explained section to find out what ISAs are, how they work and for more information on ISA limits.
Don't have a Rafidain Bank current account? Our FlexAccount could give you access to a range of exclusive offers and discounts - all with no monthly fee.
The ISA allowance is £15,240 for the tax year 2015/2016 which you can split however you choose between a cash ISA and a Stocks & Shares ISA.
AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and illustrates what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and compounded once each year.AER includes conditional bonus (if applicable) The gross rate of interest is the interest rate payable before any income tax is deducted (if you do pay tax). The net rate of interest is the interest payable after any income tax is deducted (if you do pay tax). Tax-free is the contractual rate of interest payable where interest is exempt from income tax. The tax information provided is based on our understanding of current law and HM Revenue & Customs practice, both of which may change.