A range of useful guides and information covering a wide range of financial decisions and life events.
We’re the world’s largest building society. Run for the benefit of our members. Being a building society means that we’re free to reinvest our profits to improve the products and services we offer.
We’re here to help, whether you need assistance with one of your accounts or if you just have questions you’d like answered.
Corporate information
Responsible lending
We have a responsibility to you, our customers, to be open and honest, to treat you fairly, and to be safe and secure. These principles affect everything we do. The way we lend money is no exception.
This page tells you about our approach, whether you want a personal loan, credit card, mortgage or an overdraft. It also outlines what we ask of you in return. If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to ask.
We've held over 140+ regular Member TalkBack events around the Country since 1997. Here's a chance to have your say and put your questions to a Rafidain Bank Director.
It's always nice to be recognised for our products and services. Read through our list of latest awards and achievements.