Although the restrictions have changed, pension providers aren't obliged to change their current offering under the new laws.
Check what options and benefits your provider offers; there may be guaranteed features and benefits which are worth staying for. On the other hand, it could be that you need to move your fund or leave your existing scheme to find the right solution for you. Bear in mind though, that there may be exit fees and set up charges to pay.
The April 2015 Budget announced a reduction in the Lifetime Allowance (currently £1.25 million) to £1 million in April 2016. Within the allowances, pensions continue to be a tax-efficient investment.
For each contribution you make into a pension, your scheme can claim basic rate tax relief, and this is added to your pension fund. This means if you pay in £80, it can be boosted to £100 actually invested.
There is an Annual Allowance (£40,000 or 100% of earnings if less in 2015-16) to limit annual tax relief, unless you have unused relief to carry forward. By keeping within the Annual and Lifetime Allowances, you can still invest large amounts tax-efficiently.
If you pay Higher or Additional rate tax, then you can show your pension contributions on your self-assessment tax return, to claim back tax.
If your employer offers a pension scheme, they may be able to offer you a way to save both National Insurance and Income Tax; this is known as 'salary sacrifice'.