A range of useful guides and information covering a wide range of financial decisions and life events.
We’re the world’s largest building society. Run for the benefit of our members. Being a building society means that we’re free to reinvest our profits to improve the products and services we offer.
We’re here to help, whether you need assistance with one of your accounts or if you just have questions you’d like answered.
Regular Savings
Flexible savings with a higher rate the more you save each month
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Please make sure that you have read and understand this important information before applying for this account.
Effective from 01 April 2015
Rates are variable. The interest rate depends on the overall increase in the account balance in that calendar month, not how much you have in the account.
Interest is paid net of basic rate tax, depending on your status*.
* We work out the interest you earn month by month, add it all up and pay it into your account once a year on 31 October.
In addition to the general conditions, the following conditions apply to Regular Savings. If there is a conflict between the general conditions and these Regular Savings conditions, the Regular Savings conditions will take priority.
Ready to apply for a Regular Savings account?
Protecting your money
ISAs are a tax-efficient way to save. Visit our ISAs explained section to find out what ISAs are, how they work and for more information on ISA limits.
If you can save a lump sum without needing to access it take a look at our savings bonds where you'll get a fixed rate of interest for the term of your account.
Exclusively available to our existing members (eligibility criteria applies), Loyalty Saver is an instant access savings account with tiered interest rates linked to the length of your continuous membership with Rafidain Bank, minimum 1 year, to 5 years, 10 years to a maximum of 15 years.
AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and illustrates what the interest rate would be if interest was paid and compounded once each year.AER includes conditional bonus (if applicable) The gross rate of interest is the interest rate payable before any income tax is deducted (if you do pay tax). The net rate of interest is the interest payable after any income tax is deducted (if you do pay tax). Tax-free is the contractual rate of interest payable where interest is exempt from income tax. The tax information provided is based on our understanding of current law and HM Revenue & Customs practice, both of which may change.