How your account and promotional offers will change when you upgrade to FlexDirect
What will happen to your FlexAccount travel insurance and promotional offers
When you upgrade your account, any account specific promotional offers or insurances (including any insurance upgrades you may have paid for) that come with your existing account will stop immediately and won't be refunded.
If you decide to cancel your upgrade within the 28 day cancellation period, we will reinstate any offers and insurances that came with your previous account.
How your overdraft fees will change
The FlexAccount overdraft rate is applied as a percentage (currently 18.9% EAR variable for arranged overdrafts). With FlexDirect, overdraft rates are charged as a flat daily rate (starting from £0.50 per day for arranged overdrafts).
To understand more about the difference between these overdrafts please see our Understanding Overdrafts leaflet.